In continuing our top ten memorable moments countdown, here’s moment #9! Many moons ago on July 25, 2018, we had an epic #TinyHatTuesday (on a Wednesday… shhh) starring a very special hat and some very special pups.

Our camera roll from that day pretty much looked like a bunch of these pictures:

Butters, Olive, Milly, Bailey, Lola, and Corduroy slaying the game.

Later that day, we had the following message exchange with George’s mom.

George had missed #TinyHatTuesday when all parties involved really wanted him to be there!

We clearly had to remedy the situation ASAP. We arranged for George and the hat to come to daycare the very next day and this was Lisa’s way of letting me know that it was time to record. hahaha.

“Let’s do this.”

Once everyone was situated, music selected, muscles stretched, and heads bedecked with their respective hats, this is what went down.


The long and short of all this is that we love loving life with your dogs. We love surrounding them with positive, uplifting energy. Sure, we have a great dog handler:dog ratio, we give everyone consistent and firm boundaries to help grow canine social skills and manners, we are always cleaning EXCESSIVELY, we have a free parking lot — these are all great. We just also think it’s important to do things with love. Love of your dogs, love for your relationship with your dogs, and love for our work.

Now, if you haven’t already done so, go check out our InstaStories from today. We did a round up of our greatest hits for #TinyHatTuesday and it’s pretty fantastic. Lisa advised one pup’s mom to go home, pop open a bottle of wine (or LaCroix), and just relax while watching our Stories from today. Excellent advice!

Oh Hello Dog Daycare & Boarding: DTLA’s Sweetest Spot for Your Cutest Family Member