From the get go, we were surrounded by numerous friends/cheerleaders who gave encouragement and help. After many, many months of preparations, we finally opened our doors for business and threw a Grand Opening Party. We were grateful for every single person who’d supported us up to that point, but we were especially tickled when our friends flew in from Arizona! They literally booked tickets just to help set up, attend the party, and then fly back home. Introducing: the Kellers!

Here’s a shot of them steaming the red carpet for the Grand Opening Party of Oh Hello Dog Daycare & Boarding!

They helped set everything up, including these balloons (brought as a gift from my cousins – hi Rick & Helen!). Christine is peeping out from behind the “O” because she is cute like that. (Also, check out Vee in the middle! She was with us from the beginning. That’s another story for another day.)

Thanks to them and countless others, the Grand Opening Party was a such a success! When I say countless others, I truly mean it. I almost deleted this post a handful of times because thanking the Kellers made it seem like we might not be as thankful for the others — you know, like…

-Lisa’s fiance, Jos, standing in the middle of the shot with Lisa’s friend
-My friend and former coworker, Christine, and her husband Albert who drove up from San Diego. The former Assistant Director of the preschool I ran was also here (hi Joanna)! And a former teacher who was on my team (hi Jason)!
-My high school friend (and one of my current business partners) Danny’s wife, Tina, standing in the back by the window taking photos of the event
-My other business partners who weren’t able to be physically present, but were present in so many other ways
-My cousins who came toting babies and plants!
-My college roommate of four years (and our first official OHD customers) Megha and her husband Dave.
-CJ (founder of Rescue Strong Supply Co) and his wife, Kelly. CJ is the magician who created our logo and possibly one of the nicest humans you’ll ever meet.
-My boyfriend, Tim, who helped with the architecture side of things, helped design our Private Suites, helped plan & build the Potty Boxes, and held/holds my hand while I was/am a stressbucket. haha.
-Lisa, Rocco, Andy, and Owen — without whom OHD would not exist as it is now for way too many reasons to list.
-ETC. Do you see what I mean? This list could go on for a really, really long time.

Thank you to everyone past and present for all that you’ve helped OHD to be. We love you to the moon and back.

P.S. I’ve decided to add bonus content to some of the entries because there’s really so much gold we have stored away. Take this picture of Cali’s butt for instance. I took it because 1. cute butt, 2. cute ham hock leg

dog daycare, doggie daycare, boarding, downtown los angeles, dtla
Cali Nguyen, everybody.

Lisa and I were looking at this photo later on in the day and reveling in the cuteness when Lisa started doing this:


Because this is what it means to run a dog daycare. And love every single part of every dog you care for. Truly!

Oh Hello Dog Daycare & Boarding – DTLA’s Sweetest Spot for Your Cutest Family Member!