Updated Offerings & Pricing Menu
We are always working hard to bring the best dog daycare & boarding experience to you and your pups! We are happy to announce that we are adding to a number of items to our menu of offerings. The new menu of offerings & pricing will go into effect on Monday, 4/15.
Until then, we are having a package sale of 5% off current daycare & boarding package prices.

That one time… we organized a Pride Walk!
Last June, we got all geared up for Pride Month because the themes of love and inclusivity are important to all of us at Oh Hello Dog.

At the end of the month, we organized a Pride Walk through DTLA and had a blast!

To wrap up a beautiful month, Lisa made this video of the faces of all the different pups that come through our doors. All of these faces and breeds that are so loved, wanted, and accepted at Oh Hello Dog.
We can’t wait to start prepping for this year’s Pride month. If we had another walk, would you come?
Oh Hello Dog Daycare & Boarding: DTLA’s Sweetest Spot for Your Cutest Family Member
That one time… we had a heat wave special.
Once upon a time, it was very hot in LA. To let people know that they could bring their dogs to our air conditioned dog daycare & boarding facility so their pups could run around and not hurt their toesies on hot concrete sidewalks, we had a heat wave special. Specifically, it was the Ice Ice Baby special.

So we announced that if you mention “Ice Ice Baby” at checkout, you’d get $5 off daycare that day. And folks, our OHD parents did not disappoint. Everyone had us convinced that this was the best special we’d ever run, but Ava (Cali and Loki’s mom) took the cake.
This was unplanned. She just whipped this out all casual. Lisa and I, obviously, lost our minds cheering. What do you think folks? Should we do this again this summer?
Oh Hello Dog Daycare – DTLA’s Sweetest Spot for Your Cutest Family Member!
That one time… our friends flew in for our Grand Opening Party!
From the get go, we were surrounded by numerous friends/cheerleaders who gave encouragement and help. After many, many months of preparations, we finally opened our doors for business and threw a Grand Opening Party. We were grateful for every single person who’d supported us up to that point, but we were especially tickled when our friends flew in from Arizona! They literally booked tickets just to help set up, attend the party, and then fly back home. Introducing: the Kellers!

They helped set everything up, including these balloons (brought as a gift from my cousins – hi Rick & Helen!). Christine is peeping out from behind the “O” because she is cute like that. (Also, check out Vee in the middle! She was with us from the beginning. That’s another story for another day.)

Thanks to them and countless others, the Grand Opening Party was a such a success! When I say countless others, I truly mean it. I almost deleted this post a handful of times because thanking the Kellers made it seem like we might not be as thankful for the others — you know, like…
-Lisa’s fiance, Jos, standing in the middle of the shot with Lisa’s friend
-My friend and former coworker, Christine, and her husband Albert who drove up from San Diego. The former Assistant Director of the preschool I ran was also here (hi Joanna)! And a former teacher who was on my team (hi Jason)!
-My high school friend (and one of my current business partners) Danny’s wife, Tina, standing in the back by the window taking photos of the event
-My other business partners who weren’t able to be physically present, but were present in so many other ways
-My cousins who came toting babies and plants!
-My college roommate of four years (and our first official OHD customers) Megha and her husband Dave.
-CJ (founder of Rescue Strong Supply Co) and his wife, Kelly. CJ is the magician who created our logo and possibly one of the nicest humans you’ll ever meet.
-My boyfriend, Tim, who helped with the architecture side of things, helped design our Private Suites, helped plan & build the Potty Boxes, and held/holds my hand while I was/am a stressbucket. haha.
-Lisa, Rocco, Andy, and Owen — without whom OHD would not exist as it is now for way too many reasons to list.
-ETC. Do you see what I mean? This list could go on for a really, really long time.
Thank you to everyone past and present for all that you’ve helped OHD to be. We love you to the moon and back.
P.S. I’ve decided to add bonus content to some of the entries because there’s really so much gold we have stored away. Take this picture of Cali’s butt for instance. I took it because 1. cute butt, 2. cute ham hock leg

Lisa and I were looking at this photo later on in the day and reveling in the cuteness when Lisa started doing this:
Because this is what it means to run a dog daycare. And love every single part of every dog you care for. Truly!
Oh Hello Dog Daycare & Boarding – DTLA’s Sweetest Spot for Your Cutest Family Member!
That one time… George couldn’t make it to #TinyHatTuesday.
In continuing our top ten memorable moments countdown, here’s moment #9! Many moons ago on July 25, 2018, we had an epic #TinyHatTuesday (on a Wednesday… shhh) starring a very special hat and some very special pups.

Our camera roll from that day pretty much looked like a bunch of these pictures:

Later that day, we had the following message exchange with George’s mom.

We clearly had to remedy the situation ASAP. We arranged for George and the hat to come to daycare the very next day and this was Lisa’s way of letting me know that it was time to record. hahaha.
Once everyone was situated, music selected, muscles stretched, and heads bedecked with their respective hats, this is what went down.
The long and short of all this is that we love loving life with your dogs. We love surrounding them with positive, uplifting energy. Sure, we have a great dog handler:dog ratio, we give everyone consistent and firm boundaries to help grow canine social skills and manners, we are always cleaning EXCESSIVELY, we have a free parking lot — these are all great. We just also think it’s important to do things with love. Love of your dogs, love for your relationship with your dogs, and love for our work.
Now, if you haven’t already done so, go check out our InstaStories from today. We did a round up of our greatest hits for #TinyHatTuesday and it’s pretty fantastic. Lisa advised one pup’s mom to go home, pop open a bottle of wine (or LaCroix), and just relax while watching our Stories from today. Excellent advice!
Oh Hello Dog Daycare & Boarding: DTLA’s Sweetest Spot for Your Cutest Family Member
Memorable Moments Countdown!
To celebrate our upcoming birthday (we are turning 1 year old!), we are counting down our top ten memorable moments from our first year of business. They’re in no particular order because it would’ve resulted in days & weeks of agony trying to make impossible choices.
Without further ado, Memorable Moment #10 was our first evaluation EVER. (As in someone who legit found us without having known us before.) That dog was … MASON. Here’s a shot of Mason and his mama, Melissa, walking through our doors on March 26, 2018.

Mason is one of the sweetest dogs we have ever met and that remains true to this day. (He for real came to OHD yesterday so I know this for a fact. haha.)

And you know who came for a daycare evaluation two days after??

CASH!! Clearly, all went very well and we took this epic group shot.

They delighted us a year ago and continue to delight us to this day. We’ve had many a daycare day with them and boarding slumber parties as well. It is an honor to be a part of all your dogs’ lives and we cherish every single moment. Here’s to another year of fun, dinosaur wrestling noises, kisses, and booty smacks!
P.S. While I was scrolling through all 59,802 photos I have on my phone (not joking) looking for pictures of Mason, his mom texted me. What’re the chances?! I (thank god) had the wherewithal to take a screenshot of her text notification coming in as I was scrolling through pictures of Mason.

P.P.S. Here’s a bonus video I found of Owen and Vee doing work together at the front desk on March 26, 2018.
Ok friends, until next time!
Oh Hello Dog
Oh Hello Dog – DTLA’s sweetest spot for dog daycare & boarding!
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We are a dog daycare and boarding facility in Downtown Los Angeles and we have lots of stories to share! Follow along on our adventures here.
Loving this. Keep it up for those of us who live in Manhattan Beach — which is not terribly close to Owen and his Clubhouse of Fun.
Yay!! Thank you, Carissa. Will do! Thank you also for leaving us our first ever comment on the blog. It’s quite thrilling! 🙂
Hooray for starting the blog! I’m looking forward to learning all about the amazing employees and pups!
Thank you, Shana!! We love you guys. :))